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We Could **** You, Mr Birch

We Could **** You, Mr Birch
We Could **** You, Mr Birch
We Could **** You, Mr Birch
We Could **** You, Mr Birch
We Could **** You, Mr Birch
We Could **** You, Mr Birch
We Could **** You, Mr Birch
Publisher Gerakbudaya Enterprise
ISBN 9789832344247
Author Kee Thuan Chye
Book Conditions Condition A
Pages 80
Publisher Date 2014/01
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM14.50
We Could **** You, Mr Birch has as its central premise a subject of great relevance to Malaysians – an episode from history, the killing of J.W.W. Birch, the first British Resident in colonial Malaya. But We Could **** You, Mr Birch is by no means a historical play. It is a play more about the present than the past. Weaving together a bit of history and a lot of humour and irony, this play gets to the heart of issues that concern Malaysians today. It is veritably a satire on power, the pursuit of self-interest, the clash of cultures East and West, and the questionable role of history as a record of the truth. It has all the elements of drama as well – intrigue, conspiracy, seduction, murder, a love rectangle and recalcitrance ... oops, is that the word for it?