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The Warsaw Anagrams

The Warsaw Anagrams
The Warsaw Anagrams
The Warsaw Anagrams
The Warsaw Anagrams
The Warsaw Anagrams
The Warsaw Anagrams
The Warsaw Anagrams
Publisher Little Brown
ISBN 9781849013697
Author Richard Zimler
Book Conditions Condition C
Pages 336
Publisher Date 2011
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM9.50
Warsaw, 1941-an exhausted and elderly psychiatrist named Erik Cohen makes his way home to the Jewish ghetto after being interned in a Nazi labor camp. Yet only one visionary man-Heniek Corben- can see him and hear him. Heniek soon realizes that Cohen has become an ibbur-a spirit. But how and why has he taken this form?
As Cohen recounts his disturbing and moving story, small but telling inconsistencies appear in his narrative. Heniek begins to believe that Cohen is not the secular Jew he claims to be, but may, in fact, be a student of practical Kabbalah-of magic. Why is he lying? And what is the importance of the anagrams he creates for the names of his friends and relatives? Heniek traces his suspicions and comes to an astonishing conclusion-one that has consequences for his own identity and life, and perhaps for the reader's as well.

About Author

Richard Zimler was born in Roslyn Heights, New York, in 1956. He has a bachelor's degree from Duke University (1977) and a master's degree in journalism from Stanford. In 1990, he moved to Porto, Portugal, where he taught journalism for sixteen years at the university level. In 2017, the city of Porto awarded Zimler its highest distinction, the Medal of Honor.Richard has also published six children's books in Portugal. He writes his children's books in Portuguese and his novels in English.