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The Map

The Map
The Map
The Map
The Map
The Map
The Map
The Map
Publisher Sphere
ISBN 9780751545500
Author T.S Learner
Book Conditions Condition B
Pages 608
Publisher Date 2012
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM12.50
1613: Shimon Mendiluze, a Spanish Jewish alchemist fleeing the Inquisition, is found guilty of witchcraft and burned at the stake in London. But in his last few moments of life, a young pregnant woman holds up a pendant - his secret and his treasure remain safe.

1953: Classicist August Winthrop, an American who fought in the Spanish Civil war, is asked by his dying best friend (and fellow International bridgier) to return an ancient chronicle to a Basque family in Franco's Spain, intrigued he begins investigating the book to find it is far more than just a travel diary and is linked to the mysterious murder of a Basque freedom fighter in 1945.

Soon he is drawn into a web of complicated politics, loyalties and betrayals in Franco's Spain, and embarks on a quest for the alchemist's hidden treasure. Following the clues in the Chronicle, which include archaic cabbalistic symbols and the hidden, magical meanings of certain plants, August is led on a journey through war-torn Europe and a series of ancient mazes. Pursued by rogue intelligence agents who want the treasure for themselves, and helped by a beautiful but troubled Basque woman, can August unlock the secrets of the Chronicle and the truth behind a much more recent atrocity before it's too late?

About Author

A pseudonym used by Tobsha Learner

British playwright and novelist T.S. Learner has lived in Australia for many years and now divides her time between London, California and Sydney.