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The Diviners

The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners
The Diviners
Publisher Seal Books
ISBN 7678300495
Author Margaret Laurence
Book Conditions Condition C
Publisher Date
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM6.50
For Morag Gunn, growing up in a small Canadian prairie town is a toughening process-making her a fighter, a cynic, a romantic, able to survive childhood in a world that wanted no part of her, a failed marriage, a heartbreaking affair. But in time, the solitude that had once been forced upon her becomes a precious right-a woman's own special way of being, a life strengthened by dignity and the ability to give and receive love, a time to live exactly as she wants.