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Teachings from Lama Konchog

Teachings from Lama Konchog
Teachings from Lama Konchog
Teachings from Lama Konchog
Teachings from Lama Konchog
Teachings from Lama Konchog
Teachings from Lama Konchog
Teachings from Lama Konchog
Publisher AMITABHA Buddhist Centre
Author Geshe Lama Konchog
Book Conditions Condition C
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VENERABLE GESHE LAMA KONCHOG was a highly realised qualified teacher and meditator. He became a monk at the age of 6, and studied in Sera Monastic University in Tibet. He received many precious teachings from highly realised Lamas who had completed the path. Gesha-la was a practitioner his whole life. His main Guru was His Holiness Trijang Rinpoche. He also did many pilgrimages and retreats in a mountain cave.

After leaving Tibet in 1959, he lived for many years in the Himalayan mountains in an area called Tsum, a remote border area near Ghorkha in Nepal. There, Geshe-la spent most of his time in retreat, sometimes in caves previously used by the great Tibetan yogi, Milarepa. He had already completed 2000 Nyung Nay retreats (the fasting retreat of Chenrezig). Through the power of his realisations, Geshe-la was able to heal many people. During the last years of his life, Geshe-la had been teaching in Kopan Monastery in Nepal, and also countries in Asia and Europe. He passed away in October 2001. Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the spiritual guide of Amitabha Buddhist Center, had this to say about Geshe-la:
"Besides having Tantric realisations, he is a definite Mahayana practitioner, a definite yogi who has the realisation of bodhicitta and the unmistaken realisation of emptiness......He is an extremely qualified teacher, therefore it is extremely fortunate to receive blessings and teachings from him and have pujas performed by him. His realisations are such that, for many of us, it would take lifetimes to attain such realisations."