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Stories of Here and Now

Stories of Here and Now
Stories of Here and Now
Stories of Here and Now
Stories of Here and Now
Stories of Here and Now
Stories of Here and Now
Stories of Here and Now
ISBN 9789575860776
Book Conditions Condition B
Publisher Date
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM6.50
The stories in this book are about people like you or like people you know. Almost every main character faces a problem or is in- volved in a conflict. It may be a physical problem-how to be rescued after a car accident or how to survive in a snowbound cabin. Or it may be a conflict in relations with other people-a girl who feels unwanted by her mother or young people who feel misun- derstood or abused by adults.

Other stories deal with young people who have to make a decision. Should they stay in school or drop out? Can they combine school with family duties?

When you read these stories, you may recognize situations similar to your own. Try to see how the characters feel. Like you, they want to be understood, to be loved, to be respected.

Sometimes the stories do not tell how or if the characters solved their problems.. That is left to you to imagine. By taking part in the characters' decisions, you can learn more about yourself.