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Never, Ever Give Up

Never, Ever Give Up
Never, Ever Give Up
Never, Ever Give Up
Never, Ever Give Up
Never, Ever Give Up
Never, Ever Give Up
Never, Ever Give Up
Publisher VP Media Publishing
ISBN 9789671279779
Author Foo Kok Keong
Book Conditions Condition A
Publisher Date
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM19.50
“It's all or nothing. I started late, so age was definitely not on my side. Moreover during my time, we have the Sidek brothers, elder and younger than me, dominating the Malaysia's badminton scene, from behind and from the front. Add in the bread and butter issues, and I was left with no choice but to overcome those difficulties and barriers..."

How a dropout from National Team could make a comeback and became a world champion?

What's the driving force behind this former World No.1 Singles Player, who thrashed Indonesia's Olympic Gold Medalist Alan Budi in straight sets to help Malaysia claimed the holy grail of badminton team events - the Thomas Cup back in 1992?

What can we learn from this living legend who made it to the top in an era where supporting resources were not as abundant as today's environment?

Recognized as one of the best fighter in Malaysia and the world, the story of Foo Kok Keong, tells it all.