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商品寄送 Shipping FAQ


商品將以 DHL e-commerce 快遞方式寄送至訂單資料上的收件地址,故請填寫您方便簽收的地址。

Product shipping method description

Products will be delivered via DHL ecommerce to the delivery address as per provided from the order information.


若訂單內商品皆有庫存,商品將於 1 至 2 個工作天內出貨,會員可於出貨後 3 至 5 個工作天左右收到。

Estimated delivery time upon placing an order?

If the ordered items are available, it will be shipped within 1 to 2 working days, and you can expect delivery to complete aprroximately within 3-5 working days.


商品出貨後,即無法修改寄送地址、收件人等資料。若您原本的地址無法成功投遞,包裹將會被退回 BooKu,並以 e-mail 方式通知會員。

Would I be able to change the shipping the address once the items have been shipped?

Shipped products are not available for change of delivery address, recipient and other information. In the event that the package is undeliverable to the original address, it will be returned to BooKu. You will be notified on the delivery status via an email.

如何追踪我的包裹(tracking number)?

在商品寄出後,BooKu 會發送“出貨通知”至訂單資料中的 e-mail 信箱,在出貨通知信函中,會附上快郵公司及貨運號碼(tracking number),您可以此貨運號碼至快郵公司的網站中追踪配送進度。

How do I track the package with the tracking number?

After the goods are shipped, BooKu will email your purchase and shipping details. You will be provided with the courier company along with the tracking number. Trace and track your shipment status with the tracking number on the courier tracking platform.


西馬的運費一律 RM8,東馬的讀者則需透過臉書私訊購買,郵費另計。(更新於 2021 年 8 月 1 日)

How much is the shipping fee?

The shipping fee for West Malaysia is RM8. However, shipping fee will differ for East Malaysia. Kindly place your order and purchase through our Facebook messenger @Booku4.

退貨和退款政策 Return and Refund Policy

退貨政策 Return Policy

BooKu 是一個售賣中文二手書籍的線上平台,如果產品有以下情況,寄出及退回的運費將由 BooKu 負擔:

1. 產品與訂單不符(包含但不限於產品規格,樣式,數量等不符)

2. 產品有嚴重瑕疵(不涵蓋書況裡所註明的事項,運送過程毀損等)

3. 產品與產品頁說明不符


買家可在收到購買產品後隔日起 7 日內請求退還貨,透過電郵聯絡 BooKu。若申請逾時或不符合 BooKu 退貨政策條件範圍,BooKu 有權拒絕退還貨。

BooKu is an online platform for selling Chinese second-hand books. If the product purchased

fit to one of the following conditions, the shipping and return cost will be borne by BooKu:

1. The product does not match the order placed (including but not limited to product specifications, styles, quantities, etc.)

2. The product has serious defects (not covering the items stated in the case, damage during delivery, etc.)

3. The product does not match the description stated on the website. 

In other case, other than the above, the products sold are not eligible for a return.

Buyers have the option to return the product by contacting Booku via email within 7 days from the day after they received the parcel. Please be informed that if the request received after the specified time period or does not comply to BooKu’s return policy, BooKu reserved the right to decline the return of product.

取消訂單與退款 Cancellations and Refunds


1. 若訂單未出貨,可電郵聯絡 BooKu,BooKu 將協助取消訂單。由於決定變更,所有取消訂單將徵收買家 RM5 的手續費。

2. 若訂單已出貨,則不允許買家取消訂單和退款。

3. 若取消訂單成功,BooKu 將在訂單取消後的 14 個工作日內,將退款(扣除 RM5 手續費後)退回到買家的付款卡或銀行賬戶中。

If you intend to cancel the purchase upon the payment has made, please contact our customer service for further assistance.

1. If the order has not been shipped, you may reach us via email to request for cancellation and we will assist you further. Cancellations will be charged to a RM5 buyer processing fee.

2. Once the order has been shipped, buyers are not entitled to cancellation or refund of order.

3. Upon successful cancellation of the order, BooKu will proceed the refund to the buyer’s payment card or bank account within 14 working days. RM5 of handling fee will be deducted prior processing of refund.