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Cases of Love and Death

Cases of Love and Death
Cases of Love and Death
Cases of Love and Death
Cases of Love and Death
Cases of Love and Death
Cases of Love and Death
Cases of Love and Death
Author Mary Higgins Clark
Book Conditions Condition A
Pages 623
Publisher Date 1/01/2007
  • In Stock: 1
Ex Tax: RM28.50
Mary Higgins Clark's brilliant skill with murder mysteries has made her a phenomenal worldwide bestseller, yet she claims her secret is simple: "I write about nice, ordinary people whose lives are invaded." Her books come close to home for millions of readers, because what happens between the covers seems eerily familiar. The back street in which a battered corpse lies might be in our own little town; the killer who cloaks his crimes under an everyday guise might be the neighbour across the road; the stairs that creak at midnight under the feet of a deadly intruder might be in our own house.

These four gripping psychological thrillers span more than two decades of bestsellers, beginning with the author's very first, Where Are the Children? They show us people thrown into panic about the ones they love; tender women whose trust turns into fear; lovers driven by dark and unfathomable impulses; women in dire peril that they cannot see or sense-until it's too late.